Why Biochar

Biochar is a type of charcoal that is produced through the pyrolysis of organic materials, such as wood chips, crop residues, or manure. Unlike traditional charcoal, which is used as a fuel source, biochar is used as a soil amendment to improve soil health and fertility.

Biochar has a high carbon content and is stable in the soil for hundreds or even thousands of years, making it a potentially effective tool for carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation. When added to soil, biochar can increase soil fertility by improving nutrient and water retention, enhancing soil structure, and promoting the growth of beneficial microorganisms. It can also reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture by improving soil health and reducing the need for tillage.

There is ongoing research on the best practices for producing and applying biochar, as well as its long-term effects on soil health and carbon sequestration. Biochar shows promise as a sustainable and effective tool for soil management and climate change mitigation. See https://biochar-international.org/ for the most up-to-date information in this space.

At home, we produce biochar for the garden using a TLUD (Top-Lit Updraft) biochar system. TLUD stoves are typically made from a metal or ceramic container with an opening at the top for adding fuel and a grate or perforated bottom for airflow.

In a TLUD system, organic material such as wood chips, sawdust, or agricultural waste is loaded into the stove from the top and ignited. As the material burns, it produces gas that is drawn down through the bed of material by the draft created by the air intake at the bottom of the stove. The hot gas then ignites the remaining material, creating a controlled burn that produces biochar as a byproduct.

The key advantage of a TLUD system is that it produces both biochar and heat, which can be used for cooking or space heating. Additionally, the system is relatively simple and inexpensive to build and operate, and can be used in a variety of settings, from rural farms to urban gardens.

Overall, TLUD biochar systems are a sustainable and efficient way to produce biochar and reduce waste while also providing a source of renewable energy.

If you would like more information on Biochar and it’s uses, please contact us.


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